Mirabito, Y., Liu, X., and Goucher-Lambert, K., 2024, “Evaluating design rationale,” ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences - Design Theory and Methodology Conference, Washington, DC, Aug 25-28.
Mirabito, Y., and Goucher-Lambert, K., 2022, “Investigating How Engineers and Designers Communicate Design Rationale,” ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences - Design Theory and Methodology Conference, St. Louis, MO, Aug 14-17.
Mirabito, Y., and Goucher-Lambert, K., 2022, “Design Strategies that Work: How Engineers Use Sequential Decision Making to Improve Design Performance in Concept Selection,” Design Computing and Cognition Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, July 4-7.
Mirabito, Y., and Goucher-Lambert, K., 2021, “Connecting design actions, reasoning, and outcomes in concept selection,” ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences - Design Theory and Methodology Conference, Virtual, Online, Aug 17-20.
Mirabito, Y., and Goucher-Lambert, K., 2020, “The role of idea fluency and timing on highly innovative design concepts,” ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences - Design Theory and Methodology Conference, Virtual, Online, Aug 17-19.